Sunday, March 25, 2007

I've come into quite an inheritance. I have purchased 11 used books. They will undoubtedly shape my future thought (such as it is).

1. Boethius, "The Consolation of Philosophy"
2. J. Aitchison, "Linguistics"
3. Y. Kawabata, "Snow Country"
4. Liu E, "The Travels of Lao Can"
5. K. Oe, "Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids"
6. W. Gibson et al, "The Difference Engine"
7. Li Yu, "The Carnal Prayer Mat"
8. de Tocqueville, "Democracy in America, Vol. II"
9. W. Marsalis, "Jazz in the bittersweet blues of life"
10. Plutarch, "Makers of Rome"
11. G. Bennett, "Naval Battles of the First World War"

Plus I'm deep in one i brought from Canada,

12. Carey, "Communication as Culture"

and recently also acquired the following:

13. Hugo, "Notre-Dame des Fleurs"
14. H. Murakami, "Kafka on the Shore"
15. A. Gide, "Si le grain se meurt"

.... the key books are #1, #2, #5 and #7, although they are all important. I've said this too many times, but: I'm starting to outline a book. And my girl is doing the same ~


the boats said...

I can't read any of your girls blog... so sad...

Stabbington McChopper said...

try googling Babel Fish, then copying and pasting her blog's web address into the "translate this page" feature... that worked for me.... but the translation is sketchy...

Unknown said...

The Consolation of Philosophy is excellent. :D