Thursday, December 20, 2007

I sure haven't posted here for a while.


I am moving to China in 3 weeks. Still got a lot to do, but I am looking forward to it.

I'd like to say hi to my buds in Germany, the UK and Spain...

I haven't really started on them yet, but I have big plans for next year's writing: music, zine, and book writing.

And I found an interesting thing on wikipedia today which I'd like to share here:

In Fifty Degrees Below (page 99) Robinson discusses paleolithic activities that we, as humans, should return to in order to give us happiness, as our brains are hard-wired to enjoy such things:

throwing things at things
having sex
dealing with the opposite sex
looking at fire
stalking animals
gathering plants to eat
cooking and eating
killing animals for food
experiencing terror

At a lecture on the Chicago Humanities Festival (Nov 5, 2007) he added a few more:

making your bed
looking at the moon

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