Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I'm going to be releasing some long dub jams on cassette soon. Why cassette?

Media fetishism is great, sure. And tape hiss will only make my digital dubbing sound fresher.

But in this particular case, I want to use the outdatedness of cassette to my advantage. Depending on the person who recieves a cassette in the mail, finding a tape player will require at least a modicum of effort, so they'll be more motivated to listen to what they got - far more so than if they just got a link to an email.

But cassettes are just about to wink out of existence, for all intents and purposes. I'd like my tape to be the last one you recieve, and it will be the last tape to get stuck in the last tape deck you own. Like the music on it, the tape will be designed to break easily.

Sure, I know there'll still be a few cassette players hiding out in the wilderness, like those Japanese soldiers who never heard that the war ended. But I bet that for most people I know, there's a good chance that this'll be the last tape they ever listen to. I wanna be that tape.

1 comment:

Stabbington McChopper said...

Yes, well in my case, I am going to buy one to record tapes on. Some of the newest, hottest tape players on the market have the ability both to record tapes AND play them back!! in a single unit! I'm a-buying one of them.