Thursday, February 08, 2007

Ah, Friday. Weekend is almost here. In fact when today is over, I only got one more week of work 'til Chinese New Year. Radical!

So what's going on? hmm... today is my company's "wei ya" = Chinese New Year party. Dunno where we're going or what we're gonna do but I'll probably add some pics of it to my upcoming photo essay.

And this weekend, well, i gotta clean my room and make some beats. I wanna take my laptop up to the roof and do some composing up there. That'd be cool. Can't find a plug up there though so gotta run on batteries.

Gonna go look at some guitar shops too I guess. That's my hobby after all.

And the best news: I did a lot of overtime in January, but yesterday I converted that OT from cash to vacation hours --- meaning I can probably visit Canada this summer for a week or maybe 10 days... cool.

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